Projects from 2017


The Athena website will serve as a portal to information about flora and fauna. The Athena portal will hold information on historical contexts of human – nature relationships for a broad variety of plant and animal species and the landscapes and ecosystems they live(d) in. ATHENA does so by linking existing databases, requesting information from API’s and using webcrawlers.



CGI, a global information technology (IT) consulting company founded in 1976 in Canada, has created a new generation of software development. The tool SPADE and the method SMART Requirements 2.0 allows one to increase the speed of the development of software.


IntelliGUI is a project with the goal to create a user interface that can be designed automatically. This is done through three mechanisms:

  • Auto design Screens are designed and created automatically at run-time based on the functionality of the task the user needs to perform.
  • User adaptation The users are able to change the screen at run-time.
  • Auto adaptation Screens automatically change depending on the situation.

This AngularJS project was already partially implemented, so we focused on the auto adaptation part during this semester.


The app integrates with GitHub, allowing the user to sign in with his account. His differents tasks then are displayed as a list of blocks. He can change the order of the tasks and resize, drag and move elements,which we call widget (combobox, text field, radio buttons, image, table…) inside its task. The auto adaptation consist of improving the ergonomy for the user. For example, a table can be show as a bar chart, or a Google map if the table is a table of coordinates.


NGSD is short for New Generation Software Development. This is a project in which we develop a new domain-specific business-oriented programming language. The language must be understandable for business owners that do not have any programming experience.

The language and system we are developing, is based on SPADE of CGI, and uses the what, when and where-principle: What has to be the result of the business process? When does it have to be ready? Where is the required information coming from?

Optimal Planet

Optimal Planet is a company founded by Dr. Reinier de Nooij. This company offers an online tool to scan the durability of suppliers, services and products using questionnaires (Optimal SCANS). The Optimal Planet project has been a part of GiPHouse for 3 years now. Optimal SCANS enables companies to make accounts, e.g. for suppliers, that can answer the questionnaires. The results of the suppliers can then be analyzed and exported to PDF file format. Using user-friendly analysis tools like tables and graphs, companies can use the results to choose a supplier that suits them best.

For more information see (Dutch website).



Software Improvement Group is an IT company that seeks to improve code quality in the industry by taking on an advisory role, providing tools, information, and auditing services. One of SIGs services is a tool called Better Code Hub, which can analyze GitHub repositories. This lets developers view their grades and improvement points, both helping them get better at their trade, and allowing them to show off the quality of their work.

The Project

Our group is developing a mobile app that lets users view and share their Better Code Hub results. Currently, BCH is only accessible through the website, but our app will provide a mobile counterpart. It serves to provide a compact overview of your current and past performance, and to allow for easy sharing on social media. The focus is on developing for android, with a possible iOS version following in the future.


The app integrates with GitHub, allowing the user to sign in with their GitHub account. The app displays a general overview, with a general score and various stats to give the user an idea of their performance as a whole. The app also mirrors most of the website’s functionality, showing the BCH score of each of their repos, as well as showing which guidelines have been met, and where there are improvement points. Users can also choose to share specific info on their social medium of choice.



Software Improvement Group is an IT company that seeks to improve code quality in the industry by taking on an advisory role, providing tools, information, and auditing services. One of SIGs services is a tool called the Development Practice Assessment (DPA). This tool is used by SIG’s consultants to assess software development projects.

The Project

Our group is developing a web application that replaces the current Excel form and expands its functionality. At this moment The assesssment only exists as an Excel file, and therefor is not very versatile. The web application of the assessment can be hosted in SIGs network, making it much more accessable and it will also include additional features.


The web application allows the consultant to fill in a form consisting of several checks in different categories which are based on guidelines that have been developed by SIG. The checks are compared to a benchmark that consists of previous assesstments. The results are then shown in various types of graphs, which can also be used in presentations.

Spade AD

(a description will follow)

Thimeo Audio

When you listen to FM radio you may not notice immediately that there is a whole world behind it: the world of sound processing. With equalizers, compressors and numerous other steps, the sound of a radio station is optimized to sound consistent and have an own ‘sound’. With broadcasts through FM there are a lot of extra rules that your signal needs to comply with. Every radio station wants to sound as good as possible, and preferably as loud as possible, but within those rules. Globally there is a handful of companies that concern themselves with sound processing for FM radio. Thimeo is one of those. Our main product, Stereo Tool, is used globally by more than 1000 FM stations and many more thousands of internet radio stations. Because there are quite some rules for FM broadcasts, a lot can go wrong. Most sound processors have so many configurable options that you as a user can do a lot wrong. If you do not exactly know what is going on, or you are not paying attention for a moment, you do not comply with the rules (with a substantial fine as consequence) or your station does not sound as good as possible. Many (smaller) stations do not have an expert in this area and instead a hobbyist gets the noble task to configure the processor (consequence: misère) Many of the criterions where such an FM signal on a technical level needs to comply with are checkable simply by measuring. And that is good to automate. Other properties of FM broadcasts are more difficult to capture in a number (although for the human ear more easily perceptible). An example is “Radio 538 has heavier bass than SkyRadio”. But also for these kind of properties metrics can be invented with which you can more or less objectively compare two stations. The project aims first at checking the technical properties of such a signal, and then analysing a number of properties of the sound. To be able to do this a bit of R&D is involved, because there are no default measurements to analyze these properties. The ultimate end goal is to let a program analyze a FM signal and provide feedback on its characteristics afterward (for example “your station sounds a lot softer”).


GiPHouse is a unique student-run company that develops software and practices entrepreneurship at the Radboud University.

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Contact information

Toernooiveld 200, Room M1.0.13
6525 EC, Nijmegen
The Netherlands