

Description of our goals

We aim to create a website which main objective is to present its customers the perfect phone for their needs. We will do that based on an algorithm which calculates various filters chosen by the customer, combining them with APIs so that the end result would be both valuable and efficient. Our main characteristic is that the site will be an easy-to-use one, with a simple layout, having everything needed in one page, so that even people with less technical knowledge would be able to work with it.

How we intend to make profit

By implementing personalized marketing strategy in accordance to our field of business, we will affiliate with official retailers of the phones provided and by sending customers o their website we will gain small commission based on the traffic and purchases. Apart from that, we are going to influence our target customers by social media as well.

Project Details

Date: Oct 24, 2018

Author: Sam Jansen, Jan Lugtmeijer, Olaf van Maaren, Gabriele Petkova



GiPHouse is a unique student-run company that develops software and practices entrepreneurship at the Radboud University.

Social Links

Contact information

Toernooiveld 200, Room M1.0.13
6525 EC, Nijmegen
The Netherlands